They say modesty is a virtue, but we’re setting it aside for a bit of shameless self-promotion. Why? Because we’re excited about what we do and can’t wait to share it with you. So, buckle up and get ready for a fun, informative and slightly self-congratulatory journey through the world of Porchlight.

Who We Are

Welcome to Porchlight, where we illuminate the path to success for home improvement brands. We are not just brand builders; we are home improvement brand experts. Our mission is to shine a light on your brand, helping you navigate the intricate terrain of the home improvement retail industry.

The Porchlight Difference

We’re a vertically integrated home improvement marketing team. We have in-house experts for every aspect of your marketing build – crafting brand stories, designing captivating visuals, developing targeted campaigns across digital and traditional channels, and analyzing data to optimize performance. Everyone works together under one roof, collaborating to ensure your brand message is consistent and impactful and reaches the right homeowners and professionals at the right time. The result? A cohesive and successful marketing strategy that helps you build brand awareness and drive sales for your home improvement products.

Why it Matters

We’re brand builders and industry experts. Why is that critical when it comes to home improvement retail?

  • With an unrivaled depth of industry expertise, we comprehend your audience and thrive in navigating the intricacies of the home improvement retail terrain.
  • We know that every product has to be sold twice, which is why any home improvement retail strategy worth its weight includes a mixture of B2B and B2C tactics. We help products get on the shelf, and we help them move off the shelf. 
  • Unlike agencies specializing in web development or PR and applying the same process to every industry, Porchlight is dedicated to creating a holistic brand experience that offers a full range of creative services specific to the home improvement industry.

Our Clients

We have had the privilege of working with some of the most recognized brands in the home improvement industry. 

Ready to Illuminate Your Brand’s Potential?

Yes, we’ve indulged in a bit of self-promotion but only because we’re passionate about what we do and couldn’t resist sharing our excitement with you. Where do you go from here? Check out our case studies, level up your marketing expertise with our expert insights and contact us to discuss a personalized strategy to help your home improvement brand shine. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to success.

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