Porchlight began our work by immersing ourselves in underlayment and embracing the Eco Cork Foam difference. We toured the Palziv factory, capturing imagery and video for later use. We walked multiple stores with the client to study and solve in-aisle challenges and opportunities. We talked to associates and read reviews to discover the most critical needs of shoppers.
Knowing that what happens in-store begins online, our strategy focused equally on retail merchandising and digital marketing. While part of our team was concepting and building the new ecfunderlayment.com, others were developing new, original content to support the website and product pages at homedepot.com. We created blog articles, shot all-new product imagery and developed explainer videos. To drive traffic and boost sales, we took over management of the brand’s social media presence and refreshed its ecommerce assets. To support retail sales in the test markets, our team developed all-new packaging, POP and in-store marketing collateral.
